Find here the answer to common questions about SRI.

This FAQ site is part of the Smart Square project, which aims to develop and deliver the appropriate tools and applications to enable the promotion and establishment of intelliegence assessment of buildings in Europe, through the SRI scheme.

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Definition, Purpose & Framework

What is the Smart Readiness Indicator?

The Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI) is a tool and methodology developed by the European Union to assess the smart readiness of buildings. The SRI aims to evaluate the capability of a building to effectively use new technologies and services that enhance its energy efficiency, occupant comfort, and overall performance.

What is the SRI needed for?

The SRI is needed for the following purposes:

  • Policy development: it assists in developing and implementing policies related to energy efficiency, sustainability, and smart technologies in buildings.
  • Building renovation and retrofitting: it helps building owners and managers make informed decisions about integrating smart technologies and systems into existing buildings.
  • Market transformation: it promotes the adoption of smart solutions in the construction and real estate sectors, driving innovation and sustainability.
  • Consumer information: it provides valuable information to building occupants and potential buyers or renters, helping them make choices based on energy performance and comfort.
  • Smart grid integration: it supports the integration of buildings with smart grids and enables demand response programs and energy management initiatives.
What do I need to start with SRI?

To start with the SRI, there are several key elements to be considered:

  • SRI guidelines: you can familiarize yourself with the guidelines and documentation provided by the European Union regarding the SRI methodology.
  • Technical expertise: building professionals or experts with knowledge in energy efficiency, building systems, and smart technologies play a crucial role in implementing the SRI. They are responsible for assessing the building’s technical systems, conduct measurements, and interpret the data to determine its smart readiness.
  • Data collection: Collect relevant data about the building’s technical systems, energy consumption, and indoor environmental quality. This may involve gathering information on heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC) systems, lighting, energy management systems, smart meters, and other relevant equipment. Additionally, data on the building’s energy bills, occupancy patterns, and comfort levels may be required.
  • Building audits: Perform comprehensive audits of the building to assess its energy performance, thermal comfort, and indoor air quality. This can include inspections of insulation, HVAC systems, lighting, and control systems. Audits may also involve occupant surveys to understand their needs and preferences.
  • Data analysis: Analyze the collected data and compare it against the SRI criteria and benchmarks. This analysis will help determine the building’s current smart readiness level and identify areas for improvement.
  • SRI assessment tool: Utilize an SRI assessment tool, which may be a software application or an online platform, to calculate the SRI score based on the collected data and analysis. The tool will help streamline the assessment process and generate a standardized SRI report.
  • Stakeholder engagement: Engage with relevant stakeholders, including building owners, occupants, facility managers, and policymakers. Discuss the importance of the SRI, its benefits, and potential actions to enhance the building’s smart readiness. Encourage collaboration and knowledge-sharing among stakeholders to drive the adoption of smart technologies and solutions

Specific requirements and processes may vary depending on the region and local regulations. Therefore, it is essential to refer to the official guidelines and seek guidance from local authorities or experts who are familiar with the SRI implementation in your specific context.

What is the purpose of SRI implementation?

The purpose of implementing the SRI is to assess and enhance the smart readiness of buildings by evaluating various parameters related to energy efficiency, occupant comfort, and technical systems. It aims to:

  • Identify opportunities: determine areas within a building where the integration of smart technologies and solutions can improve energy efficiency, indoor environmental quality, and overall performance.
  • Drive energy efficiency: encourage adoption of energy efficiency practices and technologies in buildings, reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Enhance occupant comfort: promote comfortable and healthy indoor environments by assessing factors like thermal comfort, air quality, and lighting conditions.
  • Support decision-making: provide valuable information to building owners, occupants, and policymakers to support decision-making processes related to renovation, retrofitting, and new construction projects.
  • Foster innovation: encourage the market to invest in smart technologies, creating opportunities for innovation and driving the development of sustainable building solutions.
  • Facilitate smart grid integration: enable buildings to connect with smart grids and other external systems, supporting energy management strategies like demand response and load shifting.


How does the SRI relate to building management?

The SRI provides building managers with valuable information and guidance to optimize building performance, enhance occupant comfort, drive energy efficiency, and support effective management practices.

What information does the SRI provide?

The SRI provides various information related to the smart readiness of a building:

  • Smart readiness score: the SRI assigns a numerical score to the building, indicating its level of smart readiness, which helps assess the building’s current status and serves as a benchmark for comparison and improvement.
  • Technical systems assessment: the SRI assesses the building’s technical systems, including heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC), lighting, energy management systems, and connectivity infrastructure. It provides information on the performance, efficiency, and integration potential of these systems.
  • Energy performance evaluation: the SRI evaluates the energy performance of the building, considering factors such as energy consumption, insulation, renewable energy generation, and efficiency measures.
  • Indoor environmental quality: the SRI considers parameters related to indoor environmental quality, such as thermal comfort, air quality, and lighting conditions.
  • Smart technologies and services: the SRI examines the availability and potential integration of smart technologies and services in the building, including smart meters, energy storage systems, demand response capabilities, and other innovative solutions.
  • Connectivity and integration: the SRI analyses the building’s connectivity infrastructure and readiness to integrate with smart grids and other external systems. It identifies the building’s ability to participate in demand response programs, load shifting, and other energy management initiatives.
How is the Smart Home concept related to the SRI?

The Smart Home concept is closely related to the Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI) as both revolve around leveraging technology to enhance the efficiency, comfort, and sustainability of residential buildings. The SRI provides a framework for evaluating the smart readiness of a building, including its technical systems and connectivity infrastructure, which are key components of a smart home. By assessing a building’s smart readiness, the SRI helps identify areas where the integration of smart technologies, such as automated lighting, energy management systems, smart appliances, and connected devices, can transform a regular home into a smart, energy-efficient, and technologically advanced living space.


Why is the SRI coming from the EU?

The European Union recognizes the importance of improving energy efficiency and sustainability in buildings as part of its broader environmental and climate goals. The EU aims to drive the transition towards smarter, more sustainable buildings by promoting the adoption of smart technologies and practices. Thus, the SRI serves as a standardized tool and methodology to assess the smart readiness of buildings, enabling policymakers, building owners, and occupants to make informed decisions, prioritize energy-efficient measures, and support the development of a greener and more energy-conscious built environment.

How long has the SRI been around?

The SRI has been introduced relatively recently, with its development and implementation taking place in the last few years. While specific timelines may vary, the SRI framework and guidelines were developed by the European Union in the past decade as part of their efforts to promote energy efficiency and smart technologies in buildings.

How adaptive is the SRI to changes?

The SRI is designed to be adaptable to changes in technology, standards, and best practices. It acknowledges that the field of smart buildings is continuously evolving, and new technologies and approaches emerge over time. The SRI framework can be updated and revised to incorporate advancements in smart building technologies and industry developments. This adaptability ensures that the SRI remains relevant and effective in assessing the smart readiness of buildings, accommodating changing trends and enabling the continuous improvement of energy-efficiency, occupant comfort, and sustainability in the built environment.

Where can I find my current SRI?

The SRI is typically assessed and provided by qualified assessors or experts who evaluate the smart readiness of a building based on the established criteria and methodology. If you are looking for your building’s SRI score, you may need to consult with professionals or authorities who have conducted an assessment of your specific buildings. They will be able to provide you with the relevant information regarding your building’s SRI.

How do we involve people in the SRI? Do they need awareness on what the SRI is?

To involve people in the Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI), it is crucial to raise awareness and provide education about what the SRI is and its significance. Building owners, occupants, and stakeholders need to understand the purpose, benefits, and relevance of the SRI in promoting energy, occupant comfort, and sustainability in buildings. By creating awareness, individuals can actively participate in the assessment process, provide necessary data, and make informed decisions based on the SRI outcomes. Involving people in the SRI requires engaging them in discussions, sharing information, and fostering collaboration to collectively drive the adoption of smart technologies and practices in buildings.

Is there a connection between AI and SRI?

Yes, there is a connection between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI) in the context of smart buildings. AI can be leveraged to enhance the functionality and efficiency of smart technologies within buildings, thereby contributing to their smart readiness. AI algorithms can optimize energy management systems, automate processes, and analyze data to improve energy efficiency and occupant comfort. Additionally, AI can enable predictive maintenance, identify patterns, and provide intelligent recommendations for building management. By incorporating AI technologies, buildings can achieve higher levels of smartness, aligning with the goals of the SRI to drive energy efficiency, sustainability, and enhanced performance.

What are the most common misconceptions about the SRI and how can they be addressed?
  • SRI is solely focused on energy efficiency – Emphasize that SRI encompasses various aspects beyond energy efficiency, such us indoor environmental quality, occupant comfort, and the integration of smart technologies. Highlight that the SRI aims to create smarter, more sustainable buildings, considering a holistic approach to building performance.
  • SRI is a mandatory certification or regulatory requirement – Clarify that the SRI is not a mandatory certification, but rather a framework and assessment tool to evaluate a building’s smart readiness. The SRI provides valuable insights and information to support decision-making processes related to energy efficiency and smart technology integration, but its implementation may vary based on local regulations and policies.
  • SRI is only applicable to new buildings – Explain that the SRI can be applied to both new and existing buildings. The assessment helps identify areas for improvement and retrofitting opportunities in existing buildings, supporting the transformation of the built environment towards smart and sustainable spaces.
  • SRI is complex and requires extensive technical expertise – Simplify the understanding of the SRI by explaining its core principles and objectives. Encourage collaboration with qualified assessors or experts who can guide building owners through the assessment process. Promote user-friendly tools and resources that facilitate the implementation of the SRI, making it more accessible and manageable for a broader audience.
  • SRI is a one-time assessment with fixed results – Emphasize that the SRI is not static but rather a tool for continuous improvement. Buildings can evolve and enhance their smart readiness over time by implementing smart technologies, adopting energy-efficient practices, and considering regular reassessments to track progress and adapt to changing needs.


By addressing the misconceptions through clear communication, education, and providing accurate information, stakeholders can develop a better understanding of the SRI and its value in driving sustainable and intelligent buildings.