Find here the answer to common questions about SRI.
This FAQ site is part of the Smart Square project, which aims to develop and deliver the appropriate tools and applications to enable the promotion and establishment of intelliegence assessment of buildings in Europe, through the SRI scheme.
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Will the SRI affect in the long term the regulation for the design and implementation of building systems?
The SRI will be able to monitor many buildings across the EU. This will help to find better improvement plans for residential and non-residential buildings. Of course, these results can be adapted to improve the building stock. Still there is no mandatory aspect of the SRI adaption currently existing.
Could the SRI be integrated with the GRI standard in order to bring it into line with a formally recognized international standard (at least for “European customers”)?
The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is a leading reporting standard. Much information from the SRI can be integrated into a GRI reporting. This is an additional potential value of the SRI.
Among the objectives, there is or there will be the willing to make the SRI become a standard/tool that allows you to get recognition from ESG rating agencies, especially for business purposes?
The SRI is mentioned in the EBDB 2018 but not mandatory yet. There are many tests and evaluations ongoing, and it would be another added value if results from the SRI rating could be included into other applications as ESG ratings.