Find here the answer to common questions about SRI.
This FAQ site is part of the Smart Square project, which aims to develop and deliver the appropriate tools and applications to enable the promotion and establishment of intelliegence assessment of buildings in Europe, through the SRI scheme.
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Who performs the SRI certification?
The Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI) certification is typically performed by qualified assessors or certification bodies that specialize in building assessments and energy efficiency. These professionals have the expertise and knowledge to conduct the necessary evaluations and provide accurate SRI scores and certificates for buildings.
What specialist should I look for if I want an SRI assessment of my home, an energy auditor or an engineer?
When seeking an SRI assessment for your home, it is advisable to look for professionals who have expertise in both energy auditing and building engineering. Ideally, you should seek out certified energy auditors or engineers who specialize in building performance assessments and have knowledge of smart technologies and energy efficiency measures.
Since the assessment covers different technical areas, can a single expert do the assessment or is a team of experts with different specialties needed?
The assessment of the Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI) typically requires expertise in different technical areas. While it is possible for a single expert with a diverse skill set to conduct the assessment, in certain cases, a team of experts with different specialties may be beneficial. Having a multidisciplinary team of experts allows for a comprehensive evaluation of each domain, ensuring a thorough and accurate assessment. This team may consist of energy auditors, engineers, building automation specialists, HVAC technicians, lighting designers, and other relevant professionals.